This is where we gather. From here you spread your wings

and FLY…


NEST - Nourish Evoke Serve Together

Often, a new view of a situation is just what we need to answer a difficult question, solve a challenging problem, or see something we've been missing.

At the NEST, it is our private world in which we get to decide who comes and goes. It is our haven where we can fully be who we are, shed the masks required by the world below, and reveal our most hidden secrets, dreams, and desires. It is also an ideal vantage point on the life that continues below the branches.

At the NEST, it is as if we have ascended into the heavens and are able to tap into a higher awareness. We can draw on this airy energy to revitalize us, relax us, and visualize new ideas. When we descend back to this realm, we are ready to enter the world again, cleaner, clearer, and often more inspired. 

Intentional Sanctuary

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Network of creative, entrepreneurs, investors, strategists and beyond. A home for everyone to create individually and together. Meet future collaborators and magic makers.


Life is meant to be played with joy and kindness, even with all the serious stuff happening in the world (maybe even because of it) we can be lighthearted and playful!


Thrive in a professionally and personally, supportive environment. Mentorship and training for members to step into leadership and elevate their ideas.

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Cultivate a balance of spiritual well-being, professional work, and your calling in life to fulfill yourself and enhance the world around you.

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Create and participate in opportunities for true impact with Mindful Impact Journeys, within the business community and world.

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Anything you have to offer as experiential and participatory event can be tried here. Connect with members, share resources and establish meaningful relationships.


“When we are aligned to our work, trust you are supported by other leaders.”


Join us. We can’t wait to see you soar…