Focus on your VIBRATION

What is a sound bath?

Therapeutic instruments, such as crystal singing bowls, stimulate the alpha and theta brainwave frequencies associated with meditative, clear and peaceful states of mind. 

The tones produced by crystal bowls are not just heard by the ear, you feel them in your body, with certain tones affecting your energy centers (chakras) for healing, balancing & meditation. Hearing the perfect pitch sound tones of the crystal bowls awakens an ancient remembering, touching the essence of the soul. The bowls emit a powerful, pure resonance. 

Alpha brainwaves are present during light meditation, daydreaming and deep relaxation. Theta brainwaves are present during REM dreaming sleep, deep meditation and hypnosis. These states are considered the gateway to the subconscious mind and it's here where we experience heightened creativity, depth of imagination and access to the subconscious realms where deep-seated healing can take place.


So you can pour love back into your world…

“May your vibes shift the whole damn frequency of the room when you walk in.”

— Henrietta Devine

Henrietta Devine Lucia No3 Light Therapy

What is Light Therapy?

We are all light beings. Our faces lift and eyes look toward the brightest start light, the sun.  Light therapy using the Lucia N03 light, creates an opportunity to enter deep states of meditation, like those who have years of dedicated meditation practice.

Alpha brainwaves are present during light meditation, daydreaming and deep relaxation. Theta brainwaves are present during REM dreaming sleep, deep meditation and hypnosis. These states are considered the gateway to the subconscious mind and it's here where we experience heightened creativity, depth of imagination and access to the subconscious realms where deep-seated healing can take place.

Feeling fully relaxed, you can also experience intense worlds of color and shape, sense of leaving the body and of being transported. The experience of Lucia light therapy is one of a kind.  

Experience this connection at Sky Studios


So you can pour love back into your world…

This little light of mine…

“LOVE is the light that shines”

— Henrietta Devine