Looking for Guidance?

As an alchemist I help leaders transform their energy of their heart and mind to vibrate at a higher frequency. Thinking globally acting locally, we are all citizens of the global community. We drive you and and your organization to make impactful ripples in your industry. Working with PLAY. LOVING kindness for yourself first and then pouring that love into our organization and others around us creating MAGIC.


Heart-Based Leadership Coaching

What does heart-based leadership look like? It begins with the centre of your being, your heart. As your guide to Illuminated Expansion, we journey to find your energetic alignment to flow. We begin integration with developing a personal practice of awareness to simple things such as taking deep breaths and quiet moments to process what is going through our bodies energy centres.

It’s learning to be aware of the energy in what our body is feeling, moving and stretching physically, selecting nourishing fuel, and getting mentally grounded through our connection with nature and to learn to attune our natural frequency. When you’re ready, meet me at the heart and we can begin the process to PLAY: Purposeful Living when Aligned to Yourself.

Consciousness Capital Consultant

When you and your team are in a alignment and creating from state of PLAY, your priority becomes serving humanity. The organizations you create are expressions of your own purpose, mission, calling, and operates as separate entities different from yourself. As a consultant to your organization, we mindfully keep focus on continually aligning to your foundational values and build a consciously aware culture from there. I would LOVE to help you discover ways to scale your impact. 

Streamlining Corporate Eco-Systems

Having an efficient policy and procedure system is imperative to achieving greater productivity within the workplace. Building ERP systems, I take an overall view of what is occurring in your organization and find the bottle necks between different departments and develop those areas for workflow efficiency that provides a sustainable eco-system functionality of all departments instead of the usual, proven unsatisfactory, top-down infrastructure system.